Friday, September 27, 2013

New Girlfriends

Bryan & I started a new small group at our church who meets at our house in Frisco. We technically go to church in Allen, but we found 5 other families with young kids who live in Frisco that we can meet with regularly. We have met twice so far & Sadie loves it! Out of all of our families we have 7 children - 6 of those are girls & they all range in age from 1 year old to 2 1/2 years old. Poor Carter is the lone boy but Sadie is loving all of her new girlfriends! The past 2 times we have met at our house & Sadie was so excited to play with all of her toys with some of her new friends. I will admit that there might have been a touch of jealousy also, but we are learning how to share :)
Along with the 6 girls who are already in our group, 2 of us are expecting & they are both girls also! We have enjoyed getting to know the new families & I look forward to the relationships that will blossom from our time together.
I hadn't taken any pictures of our group yet, but at church the other day, Sadie was playing with Marley - one of her new friends. Marley is about 6 months older than Sadie but they get along great. It was so sweet the other day because we had a picnic lunch at the church together after our Mom-to-Mom meeting & Marley had an extra lollipop that she shared with Sadie. Are they cute of what?

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