Monday, September 30, 2013

The Return of Dairy!

As most of you probably know, Sadie has had an allergic reaction to dairy since she was born. We quickly figured it out when she was just a few weeks old because her tummy was having problems digesting the dairy in my diet while I was nursing her. Unfortunately, I tired to nurse for about 10 weeks but eventually gave up & we switched to a soy based formula, which made a HUGE difference!
Fast forward to her turning one year old. I am all excited to switch her off of formula & onto to milk, just like everyone else. Unfortunately, she still had problems digesting anything dairy, so we immediately switched to soy again. Since then, she has been on soy milk, soy yogurt, soy ice cream - you name it. I even had to do most of my cooking & baking with soy milk. I know I have blogged about this before, but it's not uncommon for infants to have problems digesting cow's milk, but most outgrow it before they turn one & it's only a slight percentage that don't. My doctor told me not to worry, that there was still a chance she could outgrow it by the time she is two, so I have been keeping my fingers crossed! Bryan & I hadn't really adopted the soy lifestyle but knew we would have to make some serious changes if she never outgrew this allergy. I mean who am I kidding - Bryan & I drink milk like it's going to run out & we go out for ice cream almost every weekend!
Sadie's doctor has always told us to experiment with dairy every now & then just to see how she does. So, I started baking about a month ago with regular milk - thinking that since I am cooking the milk & she's not consuming it raw, it may be ok. Luckily, she has had no problems! So, a few weeks ago, we gave her a few bites of our ice cream & she consumed it with no problems also. And last week we finally made the big switch - regular cow's milk - just like Mom & Dad drink! I started giving her small doses - like a half a cup each day & gradually increased it everyday. Finally, I am proud to say that she has outgrown her dairy allergy & can consume regular cow's milk just like the rest of us! I know, Soy may be better for her, but it is a lot more expensive & harder to find. They never had it at restaurants or when we traveled, so now she can just order a plain glass of milk like most of the other kids her age.
I know this is one of those long posts where I go on & on, but I can't tell you how excited we are! But I will leave you with a picture at least. This morning, we went shopping at Costco & while we were there they were passing out Yoplait yogurt as samples. For the first time, she was able to eat regular yogurt! I hadn't bought her any yet, but she ate the entire sample & hasn't had any problems today. Add another item to my grocery list!

On a side note, I have already prepared myself for the next child. We just recently learned that Bryan had a dairy allergy as a baby & he was on soy based formula until he was one & then he outgrew it. So, I am wondering if this is heredity? If so, we may have problems with our next little girl also.....

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