Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Mimi & Her Grandkids

This past Saturday, my Mom & I went to a baby shower for my sister's sister-n-law - if that makes sense :) My sister was one of the hostesses so while we were there, my Mom got to help take care of Natalie's little ones while she was busy during the shower. Sadie was so excited when we got there & she saw Zoe & Max! They all took turns playing with each other & climbing on Mimi.

As you can see, Sadie took off her shoes as soon as we got there (this is a normal occurrence these days.....). She also found lots of books to read that were actually given as gifts to Michelle, but thankfully she let the kids borrow them since her baby isn't here yet :)
Poor Zoe was tired & crawled around from person to person trying to find someone to pick her up. Mimi didn't mind at all!
I didn't get any pictures from the shower itself, but I'm sure my sister did & I am sure she will do a post about it. It was a really cute shower & as usual, my sister outdid herself with the decorations & the food :) It was a great shower & Michelle was blessed with lots of goodies for her future son! And I really enjoyed visiting with her family & the Simmons family, especially getting to see my good friend Sarah & her new little girl:
The only bad news about the shower was it reminded me how much left I have to do to get ready for my own little bundle of joy that will be here soon!

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