Monday, September 23, 2013

Little Drummer Girl

This past weekend my parents, aka Mimi & Doc, came to visit. On Friday night, we went to Kobe, which is a hibachi grill for dinner. In my opinion, these places are perfect to take toddlers to. They are usually pretty loud & entertaining. Even if they aren't cooking at your table, chances are they are cooking at one beside you. It's a toss up for Sadie's favorite part - she really loves fried rice with chicken but she also enjoys seeing the big flames of fire & flying utensils :) This past time it might have been the chopsticks:

It's kind of hard to see the chopsticks because they are in motion - she thought they were drum sticks! Needless to say she performed for us most of the night! Bryan & I are used to it & I don't think her grandparents minded either :)

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