Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Little Licker.....

As I'm sure you can guess, I'm talking about Sadie of course! She has discovered licking & it cracks me up! Let me clarify, she isn't licking everything, just food products :) I noticed a few weeks ago that she took her sandwich apart & started licking the bread. I guess she likes mayo! And last week I gave her a piece of toast for breakfast with nutella on it & she licked all of the nutella off. Of course no one has seen her do this but me - until last weekend. While my parents were here, I cooked comfort food while we watched the UT game on Saturday night. Smarty pants Sadie discovered that we were all dipping our chips in to cheese dip & I had only given her a few chips without dip. After a lot of begging (mostly through sign language - more, please) I finally gave her a small spoonful of cheese dip on her plate. At first she dipped her chip into it, then she dipped her finger into it & before long she was doing this:
Yeah, that's right - she is licking the cheese dip off the plate :) It really was pretty cute watching her do it & we all got a good laugh out of it. Who knew I was depriving her of all the good things in life like condiments & dips - I guess I will have to resort to sharing some with her now!

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