Monday, September 9, 2013

Meet the Teacher

We are officially on the countdown as Sadie starts pre-school tomorrow! Actually it is only a Mother's Day out program, but it feels like she is going to school to me :) She will be attending at:

We have had a lot of friends & neighbors that have gone to school here & have heard nothing but positive things, so I am really excited for her to begin her experience there. This is also the same church where we attend MOPS, so she is already familiar with the facility, some of the teachers & even some of her friends go there!
We went on Friday to "Meet the Teacher" but in her case, I guess it should be "Meet the Teachers":
This is Mrs. Smith & Mrs. Stewart & they will be blessed to hang out with Sadie for the next year! She has 10 kids in her class & we got to meet everyone on Friday as well. Luckily for Sadie there are 8 girls & only 2 boys in her class & they all turn 2 sometime between October - December.
While we were there, they showed us the hallway with her fish sign - this is where we are supposed to leave all of her stuff. She will be bringing a nap mat, a lunch box & a backpack.
They will leave her big stuff here & only take the small, important stuff inside the room with them to be placed in her cubby:
As you can see, they even gave us a Tupperware for her lunch! That way it makes it easier for the kids to eat & contain their messes :)
Bryan & I learned a lot on Friday since this is the first time we are experiencing this, but it is exciting. Sadie actually got a matching luggage set from Pottery Barn Kids when she was only a few weeks old for Christmas & her lunchbox & backpack have never been used so I can't wait to see her finally carry them! Instead of buying a nap mat, I bought all of the material & my Granny made it for her. It is adorable! I took it today to get monogrammed so she will officially have everything labeled. I think the only thing that won't be are her diapers, so guess I'll have to write on those the old fashioned way.
If you read this in time, please say a prayer as we drop her off tomorrow morning & come back tomorrow afternoon for pictures of her big day!

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