Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Sonshine Girl

Today was the big day we have been looking forward to since last spring - Sadie started her first day at Sonshine School! I got everything ready for her last night:
That is the adorable matching set from Pottery Barn I was talking about. Both pieces have her name monogrammed on it (which was perfect since we are supposed to label everything!) & the lunchbox actually hooks onto the backpack so you only have to carry one, not both. And the nap mat is the one my grandmother made - can you believe it?! She did such a great job & I'm sure she could sell it for lots of money. Believe me, I have been researching these lately & I know how pricey they are. Sadie didn't know what the nap mat was, so we practiced laying on it last night :)
I also made little gifts for her teachers. I have to thank Natalie for hooking me up with this idea! Like I always say, she is the creative sister & I am clearly not.
I waited to make her lunch this morning so it would be fresh. I probably won't do sandwiches all the time, but I thought it would be cute to make her one today in the shape of a 1 - since she is 1 year old & it's her 1st day! Again, I have to give props to Natalie for giving me suggestions on how to pack her lunch. I used disposable baking cups & it helped separate her food while keeping it in the same container. Trying to help the teachers out as much as possible by keeping it simple. I also have to thank my Mom for the cute little containers that her lunch is in & for the freezer packs. I packed them in the bottom so her sandwich & grapes stayed cool.
When Sadie woke up this morning, her Dad surprised her with doughnut holes! We figured we would start a new family tradition by having fresh doughnuts on the first day of school :) Of course our little fruit lover went straight for the banana first before she discovered the sweet goodness.
We knew it would be busy at school & I didn't know how she would act when she got there, so we did all of the obligatory first days pictures at home. She was so excited that we even got a few smiles out of her this morning!

She was so excited about her backpack so we let her try it on. You can probably tell by the expression on her face though that she didn't like it. It was a little heavy & I think she had a hard time trying to stand up straight!
When we got to school, I carried her backpack & nap mat so she only had to carry her lunchbox. She looked like such a big girl walking in by herself carrying her lunch! I was afraid to stop & take pictures because it was so crazy up there & I didn't want to frighten her. Luckily, she walked right in without crying, picked up a baby doll & started playing. I don't even think she saw me sneak out! And when I went to pick her up, she was playing with another girl - still no tears! Apparently, she did awesome & never cried once. Although, she did not sleep a wink during nap time. They said she laid there nice & quietly but she didn't sleep. That didn't surprise me at all since she has never been known to be a social sleeper. The good news for me is that by the time we got home, she was exhausted & still took a 3 hour nap. Who knew I would have a full day from 9:00 - 5:15 without her?! Guess we'll hang out tomorrow & hopefully Thursday will be as successful as today.

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