Friday, September 6, 2013

Golden MOPS

After we returned from vacation, Sadie & I quickly got back into the swing of things. Now that Labor Day has passed & school has started, I think it is safe to say that summer is officially over :( As much as I love summer, I am actually looking forward to having a routine again & I'm hoping that cooler weather is around the corner.
On Wednesday morning, we went back to MOPS. Thank heavens! We last met in May so I was having some MOPS withdrawal! I am at a new table this year, the gold table & I have already met some wonderful ladies. I will miss my pink ladies from last year, but most of them are still there so I can still see them, we will just sit at a different table this year.
Sadie was all excited because I made a big deal out of it that morning, but honestly, she probably had no idea where she was going :)

She has actually grown to be very independent this summer, but she did cry for a few minutes when I dropped her off. I think she didn't want me to leave because I just been gone for 5 days & here I was abandoning her again. Poor thing! Luckily, she was over it by the time I left the hallway & her teacher informed me that she had no problems all morning after that. Looks like she has settled in already with her new classroom & new teacher. Now we are both ready for the new year!

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