Thursday, September 5, 2013

Paradise Island

As I mentioned in my Michael Buble post, Bryan had planned this weekend away back in March for my birthday present. Little did we know at the time I was pregnant, so we thought it was also the perfect opportunity to have a baby moon before the new baby comes. As much as I love traveling with Sadie, it is definitely a lot easier & more relaxing without her :)
It started at the airport. I actually traveled with 2 small carry on bags:
I didn't have to lug around a diaper bag full of snacks & entertainment. Nor did I have to mess with pulling out her Blu-Ray player through security along with her sippy cups or bottles. Bryan on the other hand didn't have to lug around a car seat or a stroller, so instead he brought golf clubs:
Things got even better when we got on the plane. I was able to watch a movie without interruption & snack in peace. I even logged a few reading hours.
We even got the hook up when we arrived at our hotel. They put us in a smaller room (but we didn't mind because we didn't have to worry about a crib!) but it was on the top floor on the corner, so we had an amazing view! This might have been one of my favorite parts of the trip - waking up & going to sleep every night while looking at this:

Most of our days were pretty lazy. We did sleep in every day & we actually got to work out or go for a run together in the mornings. We spent most of our time at the pool lounging & sipping fruity drinks. I actually started & finished a book along with a couple of magazines without interruption! We had been to Atlantis before, but since this was our first time without Sadie, we enjoyed visiting the adult pools. They were less crowded & less noisy. I prefer to relax while hearing a waterfall or the sounds of the waves crashing on the beach. Unfortunately, I didn't get to enjoy the water park, but Bryan did sneak off & catch a few slides. I did meet up with him on the lazy river though.
One afternoon I slipped off to the spa for a prenatal massage & spent the rest of the afternoon lounging in the aromatic suite while Bryan hit the links. He absolutely loved their golf course! It rained last time he played there & this time the weather was beautiful. He took several pictures for me:

He has golfed several courses in the Caribbean but this is one of his favorites. He says it's not necessarily the nicest greens, but it has some of the best views since it is right on the water.
We ended our evenings by going to dinner every night & again it was a pleasure to eat in peace & not be rushed. And it's also nice to not have reservations until 7:00 or 8:00. I will be the first to admit that we indulged in some fine dining & I do believe we had dessert every night!
After dinner, we enjoyed staying out late & not rushing back to the room for our bedtime routine. I went shopping one night while he donated to the casino :) Our final night there we went to the Atlantis movie theater & saw a late night show together. It was truly like getting to go on a nice date every night, but this time we didn't have to pay for babysitting!
Obviously we had a great time but we missed our little Sadie Kate. We talked about her a lot & we went through withdrawals since we didn't use our cell phones while we were there. But all in all, it was good for both of us to take a break. I needed a break from Sadie & Bryan needed a break from work. And we always enjoy our time alone - especially since it is harder to come by these days with a toddler running around the house!

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