Friday, September 13, 2013

Impromptu Splashing

Bryan had his quarterly checkup at the cancer center this morning so Sadie & I went with him. Unfortunately, we were so busy visiting with everyone, that I forgot to take pictures, but the good news is that everything looks good & he doesn't have to go back until December. Praise God!
Afterwards, we went out to eat lunch in Allen since we were already over there. Right outside the restaurant is a small water park with fountains. Luckily Sadie didn't see them before we went into the restaurant, but she saw them afterwards! Since we weren't in a hurry & it's still so hot outside, we let her enjoy them. She was so excited she was squealing & running all around!

At first she was the only kid out there, so she ran around kind of cautiously. Then a couple of families came & there were 4 other kids running around so she decided to join them. Of course these kids came prepared & had their bathing suits on. That didn't stop Sadie - before we knew it she was absolutely drenched!

We didn't stay too long, but she had a blast running around & I'm pretty sure her Dad enjoyed watching her since he has never been to a splash park with her before :) I figured it was a nice way to end summer since all of the pools & fountains will be closing soon.
The good news is that I had an extra diaper in my bag & I had an outdoor blanket in the car that kind of made for a makeshift towel:
We were able to dry her off & let her ride home in her birthday suit while her dress & bloomers drip dried. What a fun, surprise afternoon we had!

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