Thursday, August 29, 2013

Work Out

Obviously Sadie likes to mimic everything we do & it is so adorable, most of the time :) I have always worked out in the morning before she wakes up, so she has never really seen me in my "workout" mode, but her Dad likes to work out late in the afternoon/early evening, so she sees him quite often. In fact, he used to take her for a run every day in her jogging stroller, but that quickly stopped once it started getting too hot outside. This week he has been going for long bike rides & pulling her in the bike trailer. Normally, it doesn't matter what we do, she usually enjoys it.
In the last couple of weeks though, she has really started copying his workout routine. Sometimes when he get finishes with his cardio, he will lay on the ground & do push ups or sit ups. I caught her the other day trying to do push ups just like him.....

And of course they had to stretch once his workout was finished:
I realize these pictures are kind of blurry, but it's hard to catch action shots of her on my iPhone :) They were just too cute not to share. I love that she is so interested in everything that Mommy & Daddy do!

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