Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Thank Goodness for School

As most of you know, school started back this week, at least in the DFW area. Even though I don't have a child in school yet, I am extremely grateful :) Yesterday, we met some friends at the mall for the kids to play & I could actually tell that the playground was less crowded. Definitely not any older children. And today we went to the splash park & it was the least crowded place I have been to all summer! We met some friends at a splash park in Carrollton, so it was a new one we hadn't been to before & Sadie loved it! Probably because we hadn't been there before. They had a river that ran through the middle of it where it was a little deeper & she thought that was pretty neat.

She would even lay down in it, like she was sunbathing :)
But the highlight of the day was the water slide. You can hardly tell from the picture, but there was water shooting down from the top so it made you go really fast. It kind of scared me at first, but she seemed to handle it just fine & I got the impression she liked it after she kept going back for more!

I know you can't tell from the pictures above, but we actually did meet some friends there. We met up with Miles, Parker & Preston but all of them were so busy running in different directions. I did catch a quick snapshot of a few of them eating lunch together:
You can tell from the picture above that hardly anyone was at the park. I am hoping to enjoy a few more days like today before Sadie actually starts school herself :)

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