Friday, August 30, 2013

Strawberry Remix

While I was busy piddling around the house earlier today (as Bryan says - I am always piddling....) Sadie discovered something new: her first taste of gum! She likes to get my purse & carry it around or she will take everything in & out of it. If there is a pack of gum in there, she has always played with it, but she has never eaten it - until today. I thought it was eerily quiet so when I checked the living room this is what I found:

Not only was she pulling out each piece individually, but she was unwrapping them & eating it! She had a huge gumball in her mouth with a huge smile on her face :) Apparently she liked the strawberry remix flavor - what can I say, she does like fruit?! In case you need to see a close up view, here you go:
It was one of those moments where I was trying so hard not to laugh but I was also disciplining her at the same time. Poor thing spit out the gumball right away & started crying. Most of the time she hates to get in trouble & this was one of those times. Hopefully she learned her lesson. I on the other hand thought it would make for a funny blog post!

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