Tuesday, August 13, 2013


By now I am sure you all know that Sadie likes water - she likes to take her baths, she likes to go swimming, she likes to go to the splash park & she even likes to drink lots of water. Over the weekend, she got really excited to help Bryan water the yard.

Actually, he was filling up the gators around our trees & hand watering a few of our pot plants, but she decided that she needed to water everything, including the flowers:
To be honest, we didn't mind because we are on stage 3 water restrictions & can only water once a week & since it's been over 100 every day, our yard needed a little extra moisture :) But then Hadley across the street saw Sadie watering everything & she wanted to come over & play with the water also, so instead of letting them fight over the water hose, we filled up the water table:
Before we knew it, Sadie had taken off her wet dress, was running around in only her diaper & Hadley's older brother & his friend from down the street had joined in on the fun. Of course my cell phone ran out of battery so I didn't catch pictures of all of this, but we ended up spending a few hours outside with all of our neighbors spraying each other with water. Sadie had a blast & loves hanging out with the big kids! Luckily the big kids don't mind her tagging along :)

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