Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Gymnastics, Take 2

Sadie & I tried our second gymnastics class yesterday & it went even worse than the first. We went to a different facility so we could compare the gym & class structure & unfortunately this gym was all on the same level so Sadie's class was on the middle of the floor with all of the other classes. Let's just say that a 20 month old baby doesn't understand stay right her or sit right here while there are lot of kids running, jumping & flipping in different directions. All she sees is lots of bright colors & lots of things that look like toys for her to play on! So I spent most of my time chasing her around while she got upset at me. On top of being super embarrassed, my back was killing me. I don't think a pregnant woman in her 2nd trimester is supposed to be carrying around a 25 pound little girl all the time while she is flailing her back & fighting because she doesn't want to be confined. The poor teacher tried her best to help me, but sometimes that made it worse because she kept trying to pick Sadie up & Sadie didn't want to be picked up by a stranger! I thought we were going to leave class early after 30 minutes, but she eventually calmed down & had fun in the foam pit. I would say the last 15 minutes of class was a success :)
Of course I didn't get pictures of all this glorious madness because I was too busy chasing her around. But I did get a picture of her at the end when she calmed down. Her teacher gave everyone stamps & stickers so of course Sadie was thrilled at this point:

Moral of the story - we will not be trying anymore gymnastic classes anytime soon. It is too physical for me as a pregnant woman & I personally think she is too young. Once she is older, we may try again if she wants. For now, I think we are going to enroll her in swimming lessons again for the fall & winter. That's one of our only options available since she is still so young but also it is much easier on my back while we are in the water. It is amazing the difference between carrying her around in water vs. around at home!

1 comment:

  1. We love The Little Gym. When I was a nanny, I took the little boy there for 3 years. Olivia has been going since she was 7 months. It's definitely at their level and laid back. We love Miss Christi at the McKinney location! If you try them out, tell her you know me! :)
