Monday, August 12, 2013


Friday we met Nat & her two boys downtown for a play date. We started at the Dallas World Aquarium & I have to admit, that out of all the things we did this summer, this was probably the worst. I don't mean that in a bad way because the aquarium was awesome & wish we could have spent more time there, but it was soooooo crowded. There were school buses with children everywhere. And I guess everyone figured they needed to finish their outings around town before school started because it felt like every family in Dallas was there. Either that or they were trying to escape the heat since it was over a 100 outside. We only stayed for an hour & were stuck in line most of the time trying to make our way through the maze. Luckily, Sadie did awesome & didn't know the difference. She stayed in her stroller the whole time & never once complained. And when we did get to actually see an aquarium or an animal, she was mesmerized. I hardly got any pictures though because we were being pushed around like cattle :(
You can't really see Sadie in this picture, but it's a cute one of Andy & Jackson. You can tell Sadie is looking at the jaguar, which is right behind the boys. And this next picture looks pitiful - I couldn't get the kids to smile for anything & they look miserable, but they really had a good time despite all the crowds!
Once we finally escaped, we went down the street to the new downtown park:
It's pretty fun going to a park in the middle of downtown - much different than the parks in Frisco!
We had packed lunch so we all had a picnic. Luckily we found some tables under a tree, so we somehow survived the 100+ weather.

I was a little jealous because all of the food trucks were there & they smelled so good! However, I didn't want our food to go to waste, so we were boring. I really wanted to hit up the ice cream truck because it allowed you to make your own ice cream sandwich - yummy! But I didn't think it was fair to eat this in front of Sadie since she couldn't have one :(
Even though it was a hot day & really crowded, we still had fun seeing Nat & the boys. Hopefully our next trip to the aquarium later this month will be more successful!

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