Friday, August 2, 2013

Sadie's Week in Review

The past 2 weeks got a little hectic again with going out of town a few times, so this week it was nice to be back at home to catch up. Unfortunately, our year with Frisco Women's League started already so I have already gotten busy with meetings & events for the new school year. Between these meetings & all my other chores, we didn't get to have any play dates this week - more like it was me dragging Sadie around all week - good thing she is adaptable!
Because of my late night meetings, I did not make it to gym early every morning like I usually do. Instead, I tried to sneak in a workout during the day. The good news is that our YMCA has a child watch program & Sadie loves going there. Actually, this week was a little sad because it was the first time she wasn't hesitant to go without me. She literally ran to the room, opened the door herself & didn't even tell me goodbye :( She really likes reading their books & coloring. In fact, she made a friend the other day & this guy was by her side the entire time. I think he was disappointed when I had to take her home.

I also had to take my car into the dealership to have some work done. Nothing major, but we were stuck there for 2 hours. Fortunately they have an awesome waiting room for kids & Sadie was in heaven! The 2 hours didn't even bother her - it was mostly her Mom that got bored waiting around!

Bryan's boss was also in town, so he was busy this week going to meetings & entertaining him. Luckily they invited Sadie & I to dinner one night so we took him to Babe's - we figured he needed the true Texas experience since he is from the NY area! While we were there I was ecstatic because it was the first time that Sadie grabbed the spoon off the table & started feeding herself. We have given her utensils for months & usually she just kind of plays with them. And if we give her anything in liquid form (apple sauce, yogurt, etc.) she cries if we even try to make her feed herself. She always wants us to feed her. This has been a real battle because most kids her age don't like being fed anymore & they try to take the utensil from their parents. She has always been great at eating & she will pick up anything, unless it requires a spoon & liquid :( Obviously she was trying to impress Bryan's boss because that girl did amazing the other night! Of course I tried to take pictures of it, but they didn't turn out very good.

Finally, I had another meeting one morning this week for our social committee for our neighborhood. (I know - Bryan & I are busy people & can hardly say no one someone asks so we are always over committed to different organizations!) Luckily we met at the pool so the kids could swim while we had our meeting. This made me a little nervous because all of the other kids are a lot older, but they were very helpful & Sadie played on the steps with her toys while we met. But afterwards we stayed & spent a couple of hours. She was cracking me up because somehow she learned about sunbathing & she kept wanting to lay out on the lawn chair:

I will admit that is one of my favorite things to do - lay out & read a good book, but I have yet to enjoy myself doing that since she was born!
Also, in the past, she was never a fan of her beach towels. She always got disappointed when I got the towel out because that meant we had to go & she didn't want to wear her towel - until now. She thought her towel was so cool & she was walking all around with it draped like a cape. I guess she felt like super woman or something:

I guess we had a busy week & it was a slow reminder that the school year is around the corner & summer is slowly wrapping up while all of our commitments are kicking up. In light of this, I still enjoy bringing Sadie with me on all of my outings & I am glad that she is adaptable to every situation. Here's to enjoying the rest of summer before she officially starts pre-school this fall!

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