Friday, August 9, 2013

Willow Bend

Our MOPS group had a play date at one of the local malls earlier this week & it was fun to go somewhere new! I don't go to the mall very often & when I do go, I usually don't go to this one, so Sadie found a whole new play ground to enjoy! I hadn't seen some of the other Moms in a while so it was nice to get to visit & catch up - especially with 2 of them because they are pregnant also! My friend Jamie also joined the group this year so I was glad she came & I got to introduce her to some of the other moms as well. Our kids on the other hand were all over the place! Luckily, there is only 1 place to come & out, so for the most part we could sit & visit while they ran around. Sadie was a little overwhelmed at first because it was so crowded, but eventually she found her way. I didn't get pictures of her with any of her friends, because they were all running, climbing & sliding in different directions :) But I did get a few action shots of my little cutie:

Thank goodness we have places like this to go to where we can beat the heat & get of the house for free!

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