Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Another Birthday Party.....

On Sunday afternoon, we went to another birthday party, but this time it was a part of our family. My cousin Jennifer & her 2 little boys live about an hour away, so we were thankful to be invited to Reed's house as he celebrated his 2nd birthday! We had a fun time visiting with family & Sadie had a blast trying to keep up with the other kids. She got to eat dinner with them at the kid table:

I have to brag & say that she ate really well this night. At first I was nervous because they had cheese puffs & she had never had them before, but of course she loved them! I was scared she would only want cheese puffs & not anything else, but this girl never surprises me because she sat at the table most of the night eating by herself while the other kids ran around:
That's right - she ate all her cheese puffs, a whole hot dog, almost a half a hamburger & all her fruit. The girl hardly ever misses a meal!
And yes, she was naked most of the time. They were going to run around in the back yard in the sprinklers & play in the kiddie pool, but they decided it was too hot so instead they never left the inside of the house. I had her all cute with her bathing suit, swimming diaper & cover up but we left her regular diaper on her since she didn't need the swimming diaper. And I thought she would keep the cover up on like a dress, but since it had a zipper down the front, she had other ideas! Now I know why most of her dresses pull over her head - so she can't take them off in public all the time!! Good thing is was a family birthday party :)
Thank you Graham & Reed for inviting Sadie. She had fun at your house & we really enjoyed your ice cream cake - that was delicious!

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