Wednesday, August 7, 2013


Since Sadie is past the 18 month mark, I have been trying to see if there are any new classes around town she can participate in. Not really. Most things start at 3, but she can still do music classes & swimming lessons, like she has in the past, but she is finally old enough for gymnastics. I found 4 places around town that have early toddler classes where the Mom is a part of the class, so I have registered us for a few free classes at each place. First I wanted to see if she was ready for something like this & if she enjoyed it, but also I wanted to check out each facility to see which one we liked better. We started with WOGA, which is World Olympic Gymnastics Academy. I have heard wonderful things about them in the news because this is where Nastia Liuken trained. Also, most of Sadie's older friends go here & she has even been invited to a birthday party here.

Sadie was so excited when we walked in & saw all of the bigger kids out on the floor. Then we walked upstairs to the kids flood & she was even more excited:
I think she was intrigued with all of the bright colors & things to do! I will admit that I learned pretty quickly she is not a natural for gymnastics - guess she will not be training for the Olympics in this arena :( They actually started the class with stretching & we did different circuits with actual gymnast techniques which were way to technical for Sadie! All she wanted to do was run around & play on her own. She especially loved the trampoline. I was kind of comparing this to Gymboree or My Gym, which I think is more age appropriate right now. They have a similar environment, but instead of teaching technical gymnastics, they let the toddlers run around, dance to the music & play on their own.
I didn't get any pictures of the class because I was too busy chasing her around, but Bryan stopped by towards the end to see her so he got an action shot:
She loved the wobbly bridge & we did practice on it a couple of times. I guess we'll finish our other free trial classes around town just so I can compare facilities, but honestly, I think I would rather invest my money else where. At least swimming lessons she enjoys & listens to the teacher :)

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