Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Sadie's Weekend Away

While I was in Lubbock, Sadie stayed at my sister's house & spent time with her cousins. From what I can gather, she had a great time! Natalie was so great about sending us text updates with pictures & these are a few from their weekend together:

Apparently she hardly had any diva moments like she does with me, but I guess she was happy to be in a new place with new toys & friends to play with. I also heard that her & Zoe fought like sisters - which I guess is a good thing?! It was nothing major, but they would like to steal each other's toys :)
We knew she had a good time but the proof was in her sleeping habits yesterday. She didn't wake up until 9:30 yesterday morning & then she was starting to act fussy around lunchtime so I put her down earlier for her afternoon nap at 1:15 & she fell asleep fast. She slept & I mean actually slept until 5:30! Even after she woke up, I didn't get her out of her crib until 6:00 because she was laying in there so calm & I could tell she didn't want to be bothered. Poor girl was exhausted from all that playing, but she is back to normal & we spent the morning at the pool.
Thanks Aunt Natalie & Uncle Daniel for letting Sadie spend the weekend with you!

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