Monday, July 29, 2013


This past weekend I was able to escape for a child free/husband free weekend with a few of my girlfriends for a fabulous few days away! We met up in Ruidoso where my friend Deb has a cabin with her family:

If you look closely you'll see Heather & Deb making the trek down the mountain in to the cabin :) These 2 girls are some of my closet friends from my college days. We have gotten together several times over the years but it has been harder lately since we have all been pregnant or had infants we weren't ready to leave at home.
The weather was perfect while we were there - nice & cool. We even had a touch of rain on Saturday. We did a lot of visiting, eating & shopping but we spent most of our time on the porch enjoying the scenery:
They also have a deer feeder so we spent a lot of time watching the deer. They were not afraid at all - in fact they would come right up within feet of us:

We also went to the
one afternoon. And while we were shopping in the kids boutique, we ran into Sarah & her new little girl:
She was also another one of my really good friends from college. It is such a small world - who knew I would run into her in New Mexico? By the way, this children's boutique was amazing & I had a fun time shopping for Sadie :)
Finally, we met up with another friend for lunch:

Steph couldn't make it for the whole weekend, but we enjoyed spending the afternoon with her. I had such a great time & I am blessed to have these amazing women in my life! We were only missing a few of our friends to make the group complete & I hope Destin & Hollie can make it next time. Thanks again Deb for opening your home for us.
By the way, for those who don't know, Deb was my roommate & closest friend while I was in school. We used to get asked all the time if we were sisters & it happened again this weekend - 11 years later! I take it as a compliment of course - I would love for her to be my sister! Or our children could marry & I would be even happier :)

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