Thursday, July 11, 2013

Pregnancy Update

Sadie & I went to visit my doctor today for a regular prenatal check up. I am 16 1/2 weeks & doing great! I think 14 weeks was my magic number this time because I was pretty sick until that point but I have felt much better since then. And my eating has finally slowed down :) We got to hear the heartbeat today & it was 160, which is pretty strong. Fortunately, I have been able to work out this entire pregnancy & I still go to the gym/run/work out at home 4-5 days a week. I am still wearing regular clothes pretty comfortably, but you can tell I have a small belly. Especially when I take Sadie to the pool - you can't hide the pregnancy in a bathing suit anymore! I realized that we took a picture of Sadie & I when we were at our first sonogram appointment, back in May that I never posted:

It actually looks like she is paying attention & knows what she is looking at, right?  Last time Bryan made it to every single appointment but this time he hasn't been able to due to work commitments. Granted, he has been there for all the important ones - first heartbeat, first sonogram, when we found out the sex, etc.  I think he feels guilty this time but honestly, most of the appointments are quick & not too exciting, so he isn't missing much. Sadie on the other hand gets to go to every single appointment with me & she somehow gets jealous. She think she has to sit on my lap every single time the doctor comes in the room. She doesn't want to miss out on the action & it's cute to see her face when we hear the heartbeat because she doesn't understand where the noise is coming from :)
In 3 weeks I get another sonogram so we can officially confirm that she is a girl - then we can finally move forward with designing the nursery. I'm trying hard to wait to make sure we are 100% certain & not just 90% certain, but it's getting harder everyday!

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