Friday, July 12, 2013

Perot Museum

Sadie & I just spent the morning at the new Perot Museum of Nature & Science in Dallas. In case you haven't heard about it, you may driven past it when you go through down town Dallas:

We have heard nothing but good things about it. They have been talking about it on the news for years & we have a lot of friends who have gone. Bryan was a little jealous that he didn't get to go today, but we had a friend invite us. We spent most of our time here:
Literally, I think Sadie & Miles ran around the children's area for about an hour. They learned about camping:
Sadie was the obvious women of the group & she tried to cook everyone some potatoes.
 She found this bridge which was good practice for her going up & down it because she has decided she only wants to go up & down our staircase at home by walking & not scooting anymore:
She's so cute the way she holds on to the handles.
They also found the water table, which is always a hit:

And of course they went shopping at the Farmer's Market. They had these adorable aprons & bags for the kids & Sadie loved it!
After she finished shopping for fruit & veggies, she had to drive the food truck to the grocery store:
Of course who could resist taking a ride down the slide? (She may have done this about 5 times.....)
And finally they spent some time coloring:
I was actually telling Heather while we were sitting there that Sadie still isn't in to coloring yet. We try at restaurants sometimes, but other than that, she hasn't shown a true interest. Until today that is! As I was saying this, she went to work coloring a masterpiece - I mean she probably colored for 10 or 15 minutes. I was so proud of her that I wrote her name, the location & date on it so we could give it to Dad as a souvenir.
Miles & Sadie had a lot of fun & are so cute together. They even shared really well!
Before we left, we stopped for a lunch break:
Afterwards, Heather & Miles had to head home but Sadie & stayed for another hour to check out the rest of the exhibits. The museum is actually 5 stories tall & each level has a different theme. Sadie was getting kind of tired so I walked through them pretty quickly & didn't take any pictures, but it is definitely a place worth visiting again. With or without children. I am always thankful for days like these when I get to explore somewhere new with my trusty little sidekick!

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