Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Registration Party

Last night we went to the registration party for Sadie's school this fall:

It's actually a mother's day out program at a local church, but it still feels like she is going to school! I had a whole packet of like 20 pages to fill out from everything about her personality, to who could pick her up, to medical history - it was exhausting! Then I had to pick up shot records from her doctor & get the paperwork notarized, etc. I am sure most moms out there are used to all of this, but it was my first time!
The registration party was open to families so Bryan & I both went & Sadie had a blast, as she always does. They had bounce houses set up inside & they even had a small one set up for the younger kids:

I realize these aren't the best pictures of her, but it is impossible to get good shots with my cell phone camera since she is so active! She was bouncing like crazy in that thing & all of my pictures were blurry.
Next, we went outside so she could play on the playground:
We even ended the night with a cool treat: a strawberry snow cone! Although I must confess that her Mom & Dad might have eaten most of it - she only got a few bites:
Even though she doesn't start school until September, I am really excited for her. She really enjoys playing with other kids & I am excited for her to have a level of spiritual & educational structure in her every day routine besides what Bryan & I provide at home. Plus, I get 2 days a week with time to myself! Until the holidays I guess, then I will get 2 days a week with just a newborn & not a toddler :)

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