Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Another Cook Out & Double Date

We had friends over on Saturday night for another cookout. We are trying our best to have different groups of friends over all summer long, because it will be fall before we know it & that means football season, holidays & another baby!
This time we had the Cooper Family over:

Colt & Sadie are less than 2 months apart in age, so they play great together. And they make a cute couple, huh?
They live in Dallas but are in the process of moving to a suburb east of town. Unfortunately, we don't get to see them often but we always enjoy catching up when we do get together. Bryan grilled some salmon, filet mignon & fresh corn on the cob - it was one of the best meals we have had this summer! Good job, babe!
Rachel was kind enough to bring bubbles for the kids to play with & this made Sadie's night:

Obviously we have played with bubbles before, but for some reason this night she was infatuated with them. I thought these pictures were adorable because you can tell she is trying to blow the bubbles with her mouth. The only downfall about these bubbles is that we wouldn't let her bring them into the house. The kids had been playing outside all night & she would have taken them to bed with her if we would have let her. Unfortunately, this caused the biggest temper tantrum she has ever had in front of anyone - sorry Cooper family! Granted, it was about 9:00 at night so I think her being tired might have had something to do with it :) The adults were just having so much fun visiting that we let the kids keep on playing. Next time I guess we should be more responsible & call it a night for the little ones......

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