Sunday, July 21, 2013

Birthday Boy

Yesterday was Bryan's birthday so we enjoyed a low key celebration with just our family. Actually, he got up early & volunteered with some friends, so he really worked hard on his birthday instead of sleeping in! When he got home that afternoon, we opened gifts & of course he had a little help:

After looking at these pictures again, there are a few things I must point out. This event happened right after nap time, which explains Sadie's crazy bed head :)
Also, please excuse the wrapping paper & the really poor wrapping job. I am a cheap skate & was determined to wrap his present with whatever wrapping paper I could find at the house & since this was a big box, I had to go with something a little girly & you can tell it is pieced together :(
And finally, yes, I know we are probably one of the last families in America to get a Keurig, but neither of us drink coffee. I actually just learned that these machines brew cold tea also, so that's why I bought it. Bryan loves iced cold tea in the summer & he even likes hot tea occasionally, so we thought we would give it a shot. My sister-in-law even bought him a few more surprises including Arnold Palmers & hot chocolate - yummy!
After our celebration, we left Sadie with a babysitter while Bryan & I went out. We enjoyed a wonderful dinner followed by an even better dessert:
To top it off, we even went to see a movie. We had a great evening together & I think he enjoyed his birthday celebration, even though he has entered his late thirties!

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