Thursday, February 9, 2012

Two Months Old

Today, Sadie turned two months old & I can hardly believe she has been with us for that long. It's funny how you get excited about the little things with babies - like celebrating her birthday each month?! Or stating her age by the number of weeks......

We had a busy day & we started off by applying for Sadie's passport. First we went to Walgreens to have her picture taken. That was fun - trying to get a baby to lay still on a white background with her head perfectly straight. Of course I had her dressed super cute with an adorable bow, but they made me take the bow off :( 30 minutes later we were headed to the post office for our appointment. Luckily, we have all her paperwork completed & now we are just waiting for it to come in the mail sometime in the next 4-6 weeks. We are anxiously waiting to travel some where fun with her!

Later, we had to go to the Cancer Center because Bryan had his monthly follow up appointment. I had taken Sadie up there once before, but we decided to stay in the car. Since she finally had all of her shots, we decided it was time to show her off. We had so much fun visiting with everyone & taking pictures. All of the nurses, doctors, office staff, etc. felt like they already knew her since I was pregnant throughout Bryan's treatment last year. Here are a few pictures:

The good news is that Bryan is feeling much better these days. He has a lot more energy, is sleeping better & all of his blood counts are within normal range. Fortunately, we only have to go once a month for check-ups now since he is officially in remission!

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