Thursday, February 9, 2012

Red Raiderland

We took our second road trip last weekend & Sadie did even better this time. She is a pro in the car! I think she is going to be a good traveler like her parents :) We went to Lubbock for a couple of reasons. It was the first time Sadie was introduced to my sister's family. Since my nephew is home bound, they were not able to travel here when she was born or for the holidays. And we weren't able to travel at the end of my pregnancy or while she was a newborn. Needless to say, we spent the whole weekend catching up, visiting, playing & taking pictures. Sadie already loves her older cousins & I am sure she will enjoy growing up with them!
Max, Kason & Sadie

I can't believe Max turned 1 last week!

Kason loved playing with Sadie!

At first we had Max & Sadie playing separately, then we figured out that they prefer to be by each other!

Sadie really loved being around kids & noise. She laid on the play gym longer than she ever has & for the first time, she really noticed the toys hanging above & she tried to hit them with her hands!

Before we left town, Mama came to visit.

Also, my college graduating class had their 10 year reunion. It was a good excuse to meet up with some of my closest friends & their families.

Of course we had to have Sadie looking good since it was the first time she was meeting everyone. This adorable outfit was from my friend Heather who we met for lunch that day.

Speaking of Heather, this is her & her husband James. She is pregnant & is actually due this week! We can't wait to meet her son!

This is my friend Destin, her husband Mark & her adorable son Nash!

Me, Destin & Hollie

Me & Deb - we were roommates for a while on & off campus. Her son Fin was born in October, so him & Sadie will grow up together. I have no objection if they want to date when they get older :) For now, we'll have to settle for a funny picture for them to look back on.......

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