Sunday, February 12, 2012

Sadie's First Handbag

Yesterday we took Sadie to surprise her Grammy & Grandpa. They went on a cruise last weekend & they couldn't wait to see Sadie when they got back. I waited with Sadie at Granny's house while Bryan went to pick them up at the airport. While they were gone, Granny tried to get all of Sadie's attention:

Not much longer and she had to share that sweet little girl:

Grammy & Grandpa surprised Sadie by bringing her back a souvenir - an adorable little purse that they had made in The Bahamas. I believe this is officially the first handbag in her collection! Hopefully she will like purses as much as her Mommy :) This cute little straw purse has flip flops on the front & her name on the back - check it out!

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