Sunday, February 19, 2012

Party Foul

Yesterday, Sadie & I spent the day with the ladies in Bryan's family. There was a baby shower for someone on his Mom's side & we went with Grammy & Granny (Bryan's Mom & Grandmother). Besides being out in the rain all day, we had a great time getting to see everyone. However, we did have 1 party foul - I left her black head band & matching black bow at the house where the shower was at :( She actually has 3 or 4 black head bands so that's not a big deal, but that was her only solid color black bow. Now I am going to have to buy another one........

Later that night, we met up with Bryan, his Dad, his Aunt Linda & his other Grandmother for dinner at Olive Garden. Let me tell you, nothing tasted better than hot bread sticks & pasta after being out in the cold, wet weather all day! Sadie was satisfied also when Nanny got to give her a bottle:

Please excuse the bald head with no bow - we'll have to start traveling with back up bows in my diaper bag just in case :) You know she never goes out in public without a bow on!

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