Tuesday, February 21, 2012

President's Day

Since we came back from Lubbock, we have gotten on a really good routine with Sadie. It took about 2 weeks to transition her from nursing to formula bottles full time. She now eats 5 times a day, around the same time every day. She would eat more, but our little girl is still sleeping through the night like a champ! After we got her fully transitioned with eating, we decided to take the next big step - we moved her from downstairs by us to her nursery upstairs. I must admit that the first night Bryan & I didn't sleep as well, but at least we have a video monitor so we can check on her as often as we want without leaving our bedroom :) I think she likes sleeping up there better because her room is darker, quieter & she has more to look at. We used to let her cat nap around the house all day, but now we also put her down for her afternoon nap upstairs & I it's amazing how much more I can get done around the house during those 2-3 hours!

I also started a new routine when we established her schedule - I am back at the gym & loving it! I have been pretty athletic & stayed in shape most of my life - until last April. When we found out Bryan was sick & I was pregnant, we put a hold on our account at the YMCA. I was so busy taking care of him, taking care of myself & pretty darn sick the first 15 weeks. And then she was born around the holidays & in the winter, so I must admit I wasn't very motivated to get back at it. But I only have about 10 pounds left to lose & I am determined to get them off! And it's amazing how much better you feel after you work out. I know many of you think I am crazy, but I like to work out in the morning. I used to go every morning at 5:00 before work. Now I go about 6:00 or 6:30. It seems like we are busy & I never have time to go during the day, so I try to make it a priority first thing in the morning. Sadie usually doesn't wake up until 8:00 or 9:00 & for that fact, neither does Bryan :) So I leave them at home sleeping while I tackle the gym. Normally I have time to eat breakfast, shower, take care of the dog, etc. before she wakes up. Not yesterday - I guess she decided to wake up early so Bryan got to take care of her morning routine. When I came home from the gym, he had already given her bottle & got her ready for the day:

Does she look cute or what? I think this was officially the first time he picked out her outfit to wear. He dresses her, but usually I lay out her outfits. He said he had to dress her patriotic since yesterday was President's Day! By the way, thanks for the onesie Aunt Jessica! I thought she was so cute I had to get a picture, of course this is what happened when I took away her pacifier for the pic :( Later I got another snapshot of her playing & this time she is much happier!

Although, this outfit didn't last all day. Bryan had a big doctor's appointment yesterday at UT Southwestern Hospital & kids under 12 aren't allowed, so we had to leave her home with her Grammy. When we got home, she had her pajamas on in the middle of the afternoon - apparently she had a blow out & it ruined her onesie :( But she was really excited to see her Daddy when he got home:

Later that night, we took dinner to some friends who just had a baby. Meet Jackson - he is only 3 weeks old & isn't he adorable! He already has a full head of hair! Of course I had to document Sadie's first time meeting him in case they turn up to be boyfriend/girlfriend some day!

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