Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy Valentine's Day!

Today was Sadie's first Valentine's Day & even though we didn't do anything eventful, she still looked liked she was celebrating! She had a couple of cute Valentine clothing items that she has been wearing for the past couple of days:

She got a lot of cute cards in the mail & she had the perfect place to put them:

Her Valentine mailbox, of course! Thanks Mimi for this adorable gift! She also got a surprise from her Grammy:

This little apron doesn't quite fit her yet but I am sure it will get put to good use in the future because her Mommy likes to bake!

Today Bryan surprised us both when he came home with red roses for the ladies in his life :) He also bought Sadie a balloon which she LOVES! He tied it to her wrist & she was mesmerized by it. She figured out that she could move her hand & the balloon would move - who knew?! Eventually we had to untie it from her & I tied it to the changing station hoping that would make her happy next time we change her diapers.

Please excuse the bed that's not made & me for not having make up on. At least I had showered & fixed my hair for the day but hadn't gotten around to everything else yet. It was feeding time & I have to re-adjust my priorities these days!

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