Monday, January 23, 2012

Road Trip!

We took Sadie on her first road trip last week to visit her grandparents in Conroe. It was a nice break for us to get out of town & get out of the house :) We visited Mimi, Doc & Granny. While we were there we also got to hang out with the Bain Family & we met our friend Julie & her son Hudson for lunch. My parents had some friends stop by also - The Pickle's & The Bruce's - so we had fun showing her off!

Here is the snapshot of her driving in the car:

We had her all dressed up in longhorn gear for her Doc. That night he enjoyed playing with her:

In fact, she did a lot of playing while she was there. She is definitely more awake during the day & likes the attention.

But all that playing really tired her out so she also did a lot of napping.....

All of our patience & persistence finally paid off, because Sadie finally has her days & nights on the right schedule & she started sleeping through the night at 5 weeks! I really hope it's not just a phase, but for almost 2 weeks straight now she is asleep by 11:00 or 12:00 & she sleeps all the way till 7:00 in the morning! Some days she even sleeps later, but she hardly wakes before 7:00. That means she is awake most of the day now so I can't get as much done as I used to & I have to feed her more often since she eats less at night, but Bryan & I are enjoying the full night of rest with no interruptions!

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