Saturday, January 28, 2012

Social Pirate

Since we got back from Conroe, we have started increasing our social life & sneaking out of the house more & more these days. I was trying to keep Sadie at home until she was fully vaccinated since it is cold & flu season. She is finally getting her shots this week & since it has been unseasonably warm outside, we have tried to catch up with friends. First we went to dinner with the Clark Family:

Alexa & Nicole didn't understand while Sadie just slept the whole time at dinner :)

Then we went to lunch with Brad & Catherine. I didn't get any pictures with them, but we did have a funny moment after lunch that afternoon. I had Sadie dressed cute for our lunch date but of course she fell asleep in the car, slept thru lunch & was still asleep when we got her home, so we put her straight down. Here is what she looked like before - pretty cute, huh?

However, a few minutes later, I found her sleeping like this:

 Bryan & I couldn't help but laugh! She looked like a pirate with an eye patch! Good thing I don't usually put her down with bows & headbands on!

Later in the week our friend Emily came over & brought her daughter Adalyn - I like to say this was Sadie's first play date! Emily was so sweet & cooked us dinner & baked an amazing cinnamon roll cake that was delicious! We tried to take pictures of the girls together, but you know how that goes - when Sadie is crying, Adalyn is smiling. And when I finally get a picture of Sadie not crying, I missed Adalyn's big smile :( Guess that's how it goes with kiddos.....

We've also had a lot of play time with Sadie this week. We are trying to do tummy time every day, but so far she doesn't like it. We last for about 2-3 minutes & then she cries. We definitely can't get her to lay on her stomach flat, but we can trick her with the baby boppy pillow:

Here's to another week of socializing & play time!

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