Friday, January 13, 2012

Bonding with Daddy....

Yesterday, Sadie turned 5 weeks old & she accomplished another milestone - her first bottle! I have been nursing her & she has been eating really well, however, we thought it was finally time for her to try a bottle. At first she was skeptical & got kind of upset, but after she figured out what it was, she had the hang of it pretty quickly & gulped the whole thing!

It was also a special time because it was Bryan's first time to feed her. I am pretty sure he was a proud father & I a proud mother watching them both. I have always wanted Bryan to feed her also because it is a special time between the two of you & I wanted him to experience it. Also, it doesn't hurt that he is a night owl & I am a morning person - so he can do the late night feedings while I catch up on some sleep :)

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