Sunday, January 8, 2012

One Month Old

Today, Bryan & I celebrated Sadie's one month birthday. I can't believe she has already been here that long! We celebrated by giving her first "real" bath. We were trying to be careful with her belly button/umbilical cord so she has been getting sponge baths. Today we actually let her sit in a tub of warm water & she loved it! Probably the happiest she has been since we have bathed her :) Once she was clean, we dressed her up to take pictures of her & of course I had to pick out one of my favorite outfits. Are you surprised it has leopard & pink on it?

I started with this bow but I think it may have been a little too top heavy for her so we had to downsize.....

Sadie's first month was pretty eventful with all of our visitors & the Christmas holidays, but fortunately, her life started to slow down this week. It was our first full week at home without company & we finally got settled in on a better routine. She loves sleeping in her nap nanny during the day, she has playtime in the afternoon in her swing, bouncer or play mat and at night she sleeps in her pack in play. Although we finally figured out that she still likes to be swaddled at night. We thought she was over the swaddling phase, but since we started doing it again, she has slept much more peacefully. She is eating really well & is definitely gaining weight. Her newborn clothes have finally gotten too small & I started putting her in 0-3 month outfits late this week. She still has problems digesting her food sometimes, but her episodes have gotten much better since I have continued to cut dairy out of my diet. She still sleeps a lot, but is definitely more alert during the day. She has big, beautiful blue eyes & she definitely focuses on us when we hold her. She loves her pacifier but still has problems holding it in her mouth all the time, so Bryan & I have the fun task of picking it up every time it falls out.

We had a surprise earlier in the week when Sadie received a package in the mail from the Longhorn football office. Mack Brown sent her a cheer leading scholarship - check out the letter below:

I always knew cheer leading was in her blood, but didn't know her career would start this early!

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