Monday, September 9, 2024

Fall Sports with Mimi & Doc

Our fall sports schedule officially kicked off this past weekend since we are well into September. And we had a fun surprise because my parents came up for the weekend to take in all of the action! They came on Thursday to see Sadie's volleyball game that night:

On Friday, Sophie wore her cheerleader uniform to school with her friends since it was their first game:

Friday after school they had cheer practice & had a pep rally with the football team before the season began:

Later that night, the same girls had their first volleyball game:

They actually joined a club this year & will play year-round with tournaments, but their uniform kit hasn't come in yet.

Saturday morning, I was up early with Sadie because A team had a volleyball tournament. It was like social hour because we saw so many friends from church & soccer at the tournament on different school teams:

During Sadie's first game, Bryan was with Sophie coaching their soccer team. I was able to make the last half of the game but forgot to take a picture. Thankfully her football game wasn't until later in the day, so the rest of our family was able to come watch 2 more of Sadie's volleyball games and then we headed back out to the football field:

I don't know how we lucked out because it was perfect weather for early September! A cool front had blown in Friday night so even though it was sunny out there, it wasn't overly hot. Thankfully Sadie did not have soccer this weekend so that made it a little bit easier, but we did head home after 5 games on Saturday & were able to watch the Longhorns play! This is just a sneak peak of what every weekend will look like for the next 8-10 weeks. Agh! But we love it & were so glad Mimi & Doc got to be there to help us live it:

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