Friday, March 22, 2024

Monarch Mountain 2024

 One of the reasons we agreed to go back to family camp for spring break was to ski! Sadie & Bryan love to ski, Sophie & I do not. Ha! Sophie likes it so so, but it's not her favorite so this is a good compromise where we get to experience nature, the mountains & skiing in a camp environment & not just skiing the whole week. We had planned to ski twice while we were there, but in case you haven't noticed, Sadie had a little accident before we went. Remember this?

The week before spring break, we went to California for a soccer tournament. She fell in the game on Saturday morning & hurt her wrist. She got cleared from the trainer so she continued to play the rest of the weekend. Her wrist never bruised & was never swollen, so I didn't think much of it. We figured it was a sprain. However, she stopped using her right hand at all & by Thursday, she was still really complaining about it so I took her to the fracture clinic at Scottish Rite Hospital. Unfortunately, it was her scaphoid bone in her wrist. They told us she could wear a brace but that meant she couldn't do anything with it or we could cast it & she could go on with life like an every day kid. That choice was easy because there is no slowing this girl down!

We went with a water proof cast so she could still play in the snow & sweat while playing sports. She even got to choose her cast color so of course she went with Renegade blue:

This was literally 3 days before we went skiing! Thank goodness she was excited about her cast, has gotten lots of autographs & she was ready to go! The only hard thing was figuring out how to keep it warm. We had to strategically choose her clothes that were big enough to fit over her arm. Her ski coat was not wide enough, so she had to wear mine. It was big on her, but at least it had velcro around the wrists so we could loosen it to get it on & then we borrowed a men's ski mitten that was big enough to wrap it:

After that, she was ready to go! You would be amazed at how much she did at camp with one hand - skiing, rock climbing, bowling, volleyball, and so much more!

Skipping ahead, we woke up bright & early Tuesday morning ready to go. It is an hour & a half drive to Monarch Mountain, which is the closest ski lift from camp. Same place we went last time:

Sophie had ski school first thing that morning so we got our equipment & dropped her off first. She was excited because 2 of her friends were in ski school also:

After I dropped her off, we got Sadie & Bryan ready to go. This was the first year we didn't sign Sadie up for a lesson or school, instead she was ready to go with Bryan:

After everyone was gone, I found a nice comfy chair inside, with a great view of the mountain. I caught up on my phone & read a book:

I may have been sitting in the mountains in the snow, but I was reading like I was at the beach. Ha! Thankfully Sophie was in school right in front of me, so I got a lot of videos of her skiing & even caught her going up on the big lift:

Meanwhile, Bryan & Sadie were having a great time up on the mountain:

I picked up Sophie from school at 12:00 & they came & met us so we could all have lunch in the lodge. Sky Ranch was awesome & had a continental breakfast ready for us before we left & they also packed our lunches for the day:

After lunch, they were ready to go again and this time, Sophie went with them! They also skied with her friend Brumley & her mom that afternoon. Apparently, there were photographers on the mountain. I didn't want to pay for their pictures but I downloaded them for free with the watermark:

They skied from 9:00 - 3:30 and then the girls were tired so they came back with me & while we put up their equipment, Bryan took 3 or 4 runs until the slopes closed:

Since this was earlier in the week, we had great weather. I think it started in the 20's but was mostly in the 30's while they skied but it was nice & sunny. Bryan said the powder was perfect & not slick at all! We had planned on going a second day, but Sadie's wrist was really hurting her & she said she didn't feel like it, so instead we only skied once this week. Honestly, it probably worked out since the snow storm ended up blowing in later in the week. At least the girls got out there & had a great time so they will be ready next time we go!

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