Friday, December 11, 2020

Sadie's 9th Birthday

 This past Tuesday was Sadie's 9th birthday! Our elf Ellie flew in after Thanksgiving & she hung out for a few days with a mask on:

But on Sadie's birthday she ditched the mask & helped me set up her breakfast:

This was her first birthday being gluten free so I couldn't go pick up donuts or bake cinnamon rolls like we usually do. Instead, I made a gluten free cinnamon crumb cake, which has quickly became her favorite:

We even got up early enough before school to light candles & sing to her:

Bryan & I got to join her at school for lunch. She requested Chick Fil A & a whoopie pie from Unrefined Bakery:

Apparently that afternoon at school Sadie got to visit Sophie in class, so her teacher sent me a picture:

Don't you love their matching Christmas outfits?!

After school is a bit of a blurrr........

The girls started basketball last weekend & Bryan coaches both of their teams. Sophie's team played Sunday afternoon & then Tuesday morning, Sadie's birthday, one of her friends who played in the game tested positive. So, Sophie's entire team was considered a close contact since it had been less than 48 hours, they were inside & did not have masks on, including Bryan. I spent a lot of time Tuesday afternoon/evening talking to our school nurse & all of the parents on our team but basically, the entire team was quarantined from school for 10 days. That also meant Bryan & Sophie went into quarantine at our house right away. Sadie & I were never exposed so we have gone on like normal, but let's just say it was a busy evening & not exactly the way we had planned on celebrating her birthday. I still was able to cook dinner, have dessert & let her open presents while Bryan & Sophie watched & ate from afar:

But it was a crazy & sad night. The girls both bawled when we told them because that meant on top of the 2 of them being quarantined, Sophie had to go back to e-learning for the next 10 days & we had to cancel their birthday party which is scheduled for this weekend. Thankfully the week has gotten easier since then. Sadie woke up the next day & was so excited she got to go to school. Her favorite gift was a teacher set because she specifically asked for a teacher planner:

This girl has wanted to be a teacher as long as I can remember!

You know what else happened in the midst of all this? Our elf, Ellie went into quarantine also:

Poor thing - she has been stuck inside for a few days. I am hoping she will get to come out when these 2 get tested this weekend......

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