Saturday, December 28, 2019

Family Christmas 2019

Later Christmas afternoon, we drove to Grammy & Grandpa's house to celebrate with Bryan's family. His mom cooked Christmas dinner, we opened presents & we even spent the night. It's always nice to spend extra time with everyone over the holidays but of course the girls' favorite part was opening gifts again:

Clearly I didn't take many pictures because we were just enjoying the moment! The girls' favorite gift were Heely's, which are shoes with wheels on them. Sadie has been asking for years, but I thought she was a little young, so she finally got them this year. They are a little trickier than you think, so she spent a lot of time in the garage practicing:

As the old saying goes "practice makes perfect" because she has practiced a lot over the break & now she is a pro!

The next day, Bryan & Robert golfed, the girls hung out with Sherry & I spent most of the day shopping! I hit up a lot of sales after Christmas, even went & saw a movie that afternoon & enjoyed the time to myself. Until that night. On our way home from his parents, Bryan had to pull over on the side of the road & I got sick. Not fun. I ended up having a stomach bug for a couple of days & then Sadie got it, so we spent the weekend after Christmas at home. The good news is that we enjoyed the downtime. Lots of family time & lots of movies!

But we did have a surprise visitor: Mimi came! Unfortunately, our schedules did not align with my sister's this year & my dad worked a lot, so we couldn't find a time to get my family together. But my mom came anyway & even though she only made a day trip, we still loved getting to see her. And as the girls say "getting to open presents again!"

Mimi surprised the girls with a really big present this year:

We got a basketball goal for the pool! We've always had a little floating one but this is one of those really nice ones that go on the side of your pool. I thought this would be fun now that they are getting older. I mean now we can play basketball in the pool, on the trampoline or in the front yard:

By the way, these pictures crack me up because Sadie has learned that this is her serious "baller" face! Ha Ha! 

Besides getting sick, we had an awesome Christmas. We got to spend lots of time at home with our little family of 4, but also lots of extra time with extended family as well. We were all spoiled with gifts for each other & the weather was awesome. The girls have spent a lot of time outside jumping in the backyard & playing out front with friends. What an awesome way to spend winter break!

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