Tomorrow will be the girl's last day of school but technically Sadie graduated last week. I still can't believe she is old enough to graduate pre-school & is ready to start kindergarten! They have been practicing for graduation for a few weeks & Sadie has came home every day excited about it so we tried to make it a special occasion. She found her first surprise when she woke up:
This was the first time I have ever hung streamers for her & she loved it so much she asked if I could keep them up there forever!
As soon as I dropped the girls off I went to the auditorium to reserve seats & I still got there about 30 minutes early just to make sure we had good seats:
I had created little invitations & we invited the grandparents & great grandmothers however my mom got sick & my dad had to work so it was only Bryan's family that joined us. Bryan picked up flowers for Sadie & he didn't want to leave Sophie out so he got her something too:
The ceremony was actually during the school day but they let Sophie leave early so she could watch her sister. The ceremony was absolutely adorable & I was so proud of Sadie! They all marched in with their little caps & gowns & they looked so cute. Sadie marched in on the other side of the auditorium so we didn't get pictures but she was on the middle of the stage so we saw her front & center for their performances. They opened the ceremony with the pledge of allegiance & that was her biggest accomplishment. She was so proud of herself every time she said it at home. Then they sang a couple of songs:
That might have been when I got a little emotional! She has been going to pre-school there for 4 years & has been with the same kids the entire time but all of them will be going to different elementary schools. And they sang the sweetest songs & said their memory verses from the Bible & that's when it hit me that it will be a whole different world in public school next year.
When the group performance was finished, the students sat on the side & they had books in their seat so they could read. Mrs. Chases's class was first & when your class was called, they let the parents go down to the front to take pictures. Sadie was so confident & excited when they called her name:
After all of the students got their certificates, they played a slide show from the year & it was precious. When the ceremony was finally over, we went to pick her up from class & Bryan surprised her with her flowers:
Of course we had to take pictures afterwards with the graduate:
Of course we had to take pictures with a few friends:
Lena had a real camera & wanted to take pictures of the girls so she had a little photo shoot of her own:
And my favorite picture:
Our little class of 2017 pre-school graduates!
They had to turn in the gown but they got to keep their caps:
Before we left the auditorium, I asked Bryan to take a picture of me with both of the girls because we spend a lot of time in this building between church, MOPS, pre-school, VBS & so much more:
We left the auditorium & headed to the gym where they had a reception for the kids with cake & punch:
When we finally left the school, everyone came back to our house for a small party:
I had told Sadie that since it was her special day she could choose what we had for dinner & she wanted Bryan to grill hot dogs & for me to make chips & dip. Done. Easy & simple, I love it! I didn't really invite any of our friends because I figured everyone would be doing their own celebrations, but her friend Kenzie stopped by & had a little gift for her:
In fact we all had a gift for her & it was something I had planned since before she was born. I was waiting to give her a James Avery charm bracelet when she graduated & was hoping to fill it with charms as she goes through school. It couldn't have been better timing because she has really been asking about mine & wanting to wear it:
Bryan got her a soccer ball, I got her a star fish (since we love to travel to the beach & it is one of her favorite places) & Sophie got her a tiara (since they like to dress up together). His parents got her an ice cream cone & my parents got her a cupcake. She was so excited & already wore it to church yesterday.
My final surprise was dessert:
I knew we were having cake at the school so I tried to think of something different & our family loves cake balls! I asked the lady to make them in primary school colors to match her invitation & she made a few cake pops with school toppers for the girls:
One of our friends had t-shirts made for all of the girls in a size medium so hopefully they could wear them until they actually graduate:
Out of all of Sadie's friends, Kenzie is the only one who she will go to school with so Lena asked if she could take some pictures of them together in their new shirts:
Don't those shirts look hilarious with their puffy dresses underneath?! They look like oompah loompahs!
Obviously it was a fun day. Sadie was so proud to graduate & is beyond excited for kindergarten. I am so glad we were able to help make her day more special by celebrating with her:
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