Happy Mother's Day! It has been a relaxing weekend with beautiful weather & I have enjoyed every minute of it with my family, today in particular. We went to church this morning & they had a beautiful back drop & the girls gave me the best gift of all - perfect smiles for a perfect picture with me:
Afterwards we went to lunch at Silver Fox Steakhouse, which is the same place we have been every year for Mother's Day lunch. It has became an annual tradition that I enjoy & it was even more fun this year since the girls are older. We told them we were going to a fancy restaurant & Sadie literally said "one where we need to lift our pinky when we drink like Fancy Nancy does?!" They were very well behaved & we enjoyed a delicious lunch. They had us laughing at one point because both of them were cold so they used the table cloth as their blanket:
And tonight might have been my favorite part. Sadie has been riding her bike for a couple of weeks now & she has been asking to go down on the trails to ride but we haven't had time, so we finally went tonight. She did awesome! Seriously a game changer for our family having her ride a regular bike all by herself now. She can ride so fast & it frees up room in the back of the bike trailer so Sophie likes riding by herself also:
Can you see the smile on her face?!
We even made it all the way to Bahama Bucks! We have been telling her for months that if she could ride her bike by herself, we would ride the trails to go get a sno cone so we finally fulfilled that promise:
Always blessed to spend the day with my beautiful family & so thankful to be their mom!
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