Friday, December 2, 2016

Life Lately

November was busy & I have blogged a lot but there are always random pictures that fall through the cracks. So here is a look at what we have been up to lately, besides all of the other posts I have already thrown out there!

We had our second bunco meeting in November & I am really starting to enjoy this fun night away with girlfriends:

This is a picture of us walking out the door for MOPS in our fall outfits:

I had a meeting later that night so Bryan took the girls to Chick Fil A for dinner. Apparently they had a great time:

Several of Frisco's high school football teams made the playoffs so we went to the games for a few weeks until they were all eliminated:

We celebrated Grammy's 60th birthday:

We had small group meeting at Emily's house:

Sadie asked to take her training wheels off so she could practice riding her bike:

We've had several friends over for play dates:

We spent a lot of time getting ready for Christmas & the girls' birthdays. Sadie helped me address all of the birthday party invitations:

The girls are having a pajama party this year & it is next week, so we are on the countdown! The idea started with a slumber party but I didn't think most 3 & 5 year old girls would be ready to spend the night yet but the girls are excited & have practiced having a slumber party with just the 2 of them at home:

We are ready for December!

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