Saturday, July 30, 2016

Nights in Grand Cayman

Every afternoon around 4:30 or 5:00 we would head back to our room to shower & clean up for the evening. We would always bathe the girls first & let them watch a movie while Bryan & I got ready:

About every other day, this would happen:
She just couldn't stay awake no matter how hard she tried! Most nights we went to dinner as a family. In fact, we enjoyed live music & a beautiful sunset one night:

We really only ventured off the resort a few nights since the kids eat for free at the hotel, we tried to take advantage of their restaurants. They even got Chef hats at dinner one night:

We even surprised Bryan & celebrated his birthday while we were there:

Since we got to know Wilma (JR's Nanny), we vetted her & decided to use her for babysitting a few nights. They stayed at the resort & she even brought JR so they could play games & eat dinner together:
Thank you Wilma for letting us enjoy a couple of date nights:
This night we left the hotel & I enjoyed the sunset:
while Bryan enjoyed his fish:
We were very impressed with the presentation!
We even had a date night for his birthday:

And we capped every evening with a good night's sleep. Since we decided to split the girls after the first night, we never had any problems with them going to bed. Since we didn't make them take naps & we let them stay up a little later, they crashed:
Can anyone find Sadie? This is how I found her every morning! I would sneak out early to go to the gym & she never even knew I left. I think it's funny she sleeps like this because this is actually how I sleep, but she has never seen me sleep so she obviously learned this on her own!
And Sophie:
After we got her crib, she slept like a baby! And if you are wondering, yes, she is in our secret hiding spot again, the bathroom! Since we had a suite, we had 2 bathrooms, so we used one & converted the other into Sophie's room :)

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