Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Back to School

The girls finally started school yesterday & I am already enjoying a few hours of quiet time to myself! The back to school fun started on Monday night when I gave the girls manis & pedis after their bath. Then Sadie got a special poem to read from her teacher & it came with magic confetti:

The magic confetti was shaped liked stars & her teacher asked her to sprinkle them under her pillow so she would have sweet dreams & be ready for school the next morning:
In theory, this sounds like a fun idea, but it probably kept her up later than usual because she was concerned about the confetti being messy. Poor girl - she really has taken after a lot of my habits!
I usually do everything the morning of, but I knew it would be a busy morning since it was my first time getting both of them ready & out the door so I tried to have everything packed & laid our the night before:
Sadie doesn't need a nap mat this year, so I am passing on hers to Sophie. They mostly have the same initials :)
Sadie helped me assemble the teacher presents since she picked out their lotion at the store:
This was one of their new fall scents & I thought it was appropriate because they will probably be ready for a weekend escape after spending a few days with all of our children!
On my way home from the gym, I picked up doughnuts to surprise the girls for breakfast:
This was a tradition we started 2 years ago when Sadie first went to pre-school. I try to be creative & make them fun lunches but as you can see, I am not one of those moms that has time to go overboard decorating the table. Sorry girls!
But I did order something new this year & was pretty excited about:
I had this chalkboard sign made & it turned out so cute! The front says "First day of" and the back says "Last day of". I wanted something generic that both girls could use every single year without me having to re-do it every year. Sadie was so proud to hold it:
But I had a hard time getting a picture of her with it because she was a little too excited!
And then we had our first snafu of the morning - I couldn't get the words to erase :( I used a bistro chalk board pen which everyone uses all the time & I could get the words to fade, but not disappear. I tried water, rubbing alcohol & windex. I was beyond frustrated because I wanted to erase Academy & write School for Sophie:
Oh-well, I tried. I had a hard time getting a picture of her holding the sign anyway!
*Side note - I finally got it clean later than night with a magic eraser, but it took a lot of scrubbing. I guess I will stick to plain old chalk next time......
Finally, I got the best shot of the day with both of them:
Sophie didn't know where she was going, but she was excited! Sadie really wanted us to take Sophie first, so Bryan carried her in & of course she started crying when we dropped her off. Sadie was a great helper & passed out Sophie's presents to her teachers & then we snuck out. I knew she wouldn't cry for long & my thoughts were confirmed because a friend dropped off her son a few minutes later & she said Sophie was standing at the gate waving to everyone & saying "hi" like she was the welcoming committee :)
Next, we walked Sadie to her room & she walked in like a pro. I don't even think she gave either of us a hug or a high five. Guess she's getting too old for us.....
As soon as we dropped them off, I headed to brunch with my girlfriends. We were ready to celebrate our first day without children again!
After school, I surprised the girls by taking them to Bahama Bucks:
This is one of Sadie's favorite places & she was excited to get an after school snack. I invited a few friends so she had even more fun seeing them:
Guess we have finally started the fall semester. Now we just need to be patient for cooler weather so we can actually wear our fall clothes :)

1 comment:

  1. Cute! You are braver than me. We didn't even use the glitter. All I could see was a big mess, so after a few days I just threw it away. :)
