Wednesday, January 22, 2014


As I've mentioned in all of my posts about Sophie, she is still sleeping a lot these days, but we try our best to keep her awake when we can. Sadie has been great at trying to entertain her. Granted, it may only last for a few minutes & then she is ready to move on to something else, but it is pretty cute watching the two of them interact. I have been trying to put Sophie down on her play gym so she can look at the mirror & some of her toys, but Sadie prefers her to look at the twinkling lights while she dances to the music:

This is a pretty accurate rendering of how playtime goes. Sophie just stares at her crazy big sister! And when she starts getting upset, this is what happens:
Sadie is obsessed with giving Sophie her pacifier - whether she wants it or not! I am so blessed to have such a good little helper in our house & cannot wait to watch these two interact even more as they grow older.

1 comment:

  1. they are so cute! Was Sadie's hair so dark when she was born? Thanks for the sweet comments! Yes, both of my girls are in the bottom percentiles! Even Addy's head has always been below 10%. :)
