Friday, January 17, 2014

My House Full of Sleepers......

It's true - I think we have another child who loves to sleep. I think both of my children get it from their Dad because I really don't sleep that much. 6-7 hours is all I really need at night & I never sleep during the day - it's almost impossible. Even during both of my pregnancies I was never tired. And everyone knows I am the crazy one who gets up early & likes to go to the gym :)
Sophie is officially 1 month old today & she has already conquered the sleeping routine pretty good for only 4 1/2 weeks old. In fact, I have lots of pictures of her sleeping because that's what she does most of the time. The first week was a little easier because she was so sleepy she was almost asleep 24 hours a days, but once she started waking more, the second week was the hardest because she had her days & nights confused. Once we fixed that, we were able to determine how she likes to sleep. Swaddled or not swaddled, pacifier or no pacifier, etc. It took several attempts at different methods to determine what this little angel liked :) By three weeks, she was sleeping about 5-6 hour stretches & now at 4 weeks she is sleeping 6-8 hour stretches. We don't have an exact schedule down, but she has definitely started a regular sleep pattern. Last night was a good example - I fed her about 8:00 & put her down at 8:45. She slept until 2:00 & then I fed her & had her down again by 2:30 & then she slept until 10:30 this morning :) She probably loves sleeping in her nap nanny the most:
I think she likes being inclined. But most of the time we can get her to sleep anywhere, including her car seat:
or her swing or her bouncer:
And in case you are wondering, yes, she likes to be swaddled. She may squirm or try to fight it at first, but eventually she calms down & will sleep for longer stretches of time when she is swaddled. This is exactly how Sadie was. I don't swaddle her during the day when she is taking her cat naps, but I always swaddle her at night. In fact, we change her diaper & swaddle her before her last feeding. That way she can go straight to bed after she eats. Sadie goes to bed at 8:00 & will usually sleep for 12-13 hours so I am trying to get Sophie on the same schedule. Right now I feed Sophie after we put Sadie down, so technically she goes down a little later & she sleeps longer than 12-13 hours so she gets up later in the morning, but my goal is to have them both down by 8:00. I also tried to coordinate their day schedules to & have been successful at that for the past 2 weeks. I usually let Sophie take her naps unswaddled in the morning in different areas, but I swaddle her & put her down for her long nap every afternoon while Sadie is napping. So far I have been enjoying at least 2-3 hours to myself in the afternoon while they both sleep :)
Sophie also likes the boppy pillow. A lot of times I will sit her up in that after she eats & sometimes she will fall asleep there:
We also use this pillow for tummy time:
Well, it started out as tummy time, but she ended up sleeping on her side. She does this pretty good also. I have been pretty diligent in making sure that she lays a different direction or in different contraptions since she was born. I am constantly stretching her neck & making her look different ways so she doesn't get a flat head like Sadie :( Luckily she likes her tummy so far:
Of course she always sleeps on her back when she is swaddled or for her long sleeping times, but I try to sneak in at least one tummy nap during the day when I can keep my eye on her:
Hopefully her sleeping consistency will last long term like her sister. It makes life so much easier when you have a good sleeper! And hopefully we will move her upstairs to her nursery soon since she is doing so good. As you can see, she is spending most of her time in our bedroom or in the living room these days.

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