Friday, January 10, 2014

Copy Cat

It's true - we have a copy cat in our house. I knew this would happen but not to this extreme. Sadie has become a little mommy to all of her babies. Granted, she got her own swing, high chair, double stroller, pack-n-play, etc. for her birthday, so I assumed she would do everything with her babies that I did with Sophie, but I didn't know she would start doing this:

In case you can't figure out what she is doing, she is nursing her baby! I didn't know if I should post this or not, but it has been cracking Bryan & I up. Every time I sit down to feed Sophie, I grab the boppy pillow & put it on my lap for Sophie to lay on. It just so happens that we have a baby boppy & Sadie discovered it one day so she has decided that she will use it to lay her babies on & feed them while I feed Sophie. Bryan snapped this photo last night while we were hanging out after dinner & then I took some of her today:
If you notice, she will lay the baby down & once she gets comfortable, she will roll the baby on to her side & make sure she turns the baby's face to her chest - just like I do:
I think it's so cute she is such a good "mommy" to her babies & so sweet to her baby sister. Now we need to work on feeding her babies with their baby bottles because right now this is all she knows.....

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