Friday, December 13, 2013

Mother/Daughter Date

I have been running around like a mad woman this week trying to finish everything on my to do list before the baby comes & I think I am finally finished! The nursery is complete & ready for her to move in, (as you saw yesterday......) I am 100% done with Christmas, (stockings & Santa, included!) I caught up on every bit of laundry during the ice storm & have done a small load every day since then, (just to keep up) I have paid every bill early & kept my desk clear, I went to Costco & Wal-Mart & stocked up for the winter (I mean seriously, I bought more than I ever have. This way we can make it through the next month or two without any big grocery runs. I'm sure Bryan will have to go here & there for milk or fresh items, but everything else has been taken care of) I went to the doctor & dentist (tried to get all of my appointments in before the end of the year) got my hair done (so it will last until Spring hopefully....) and finally I got a manicure & pedicure. In case you haven't figured it out, I am a complete planner & I have tried to do as much as I could so that once the baby is here, I can just relax & spend my time with her. As well as enjoy the holidays with family. I know some of you probably think I am crazy, but I went to bed for the first time last night feeling relaxed. The only things left on my to-do list are purely social - fun events that we can enjoy before we are stuck at the house again :)
Since I woke up with nothing to do this morning, I tried to think outside of the box. I wanted to spend some time with Sadie, but we have been going stir crazy in the house. The ice storm hit a week ago yesterday & we still have ice & snow outside with unseasonably cold temperatures :( Needless to say, we can't go to the park or play outside. So, I took her on a movie date. We hadn't been since this summer when we went for $1 movie days. I had heard great things about:
so we decided to go check it out. I have noticed that in the past month or so she really has a longer attention span so I thought we would give it a try. We got inside the theater at 10:15 & she sat down right away & concentrated on the screen:
This lasted a good 45 minutes then she started asking for a snack because she realized all of the other kids in the movie were eating. Luckily I was able to hold off on the snack this long, but being the frugal mom that I am, I brought her some apple cereal from home. No popcorn for Sadie - I mean I already had to pay $6 for her movie ticket!
She did amazing & sat still the entire time, until the last 30 minutes. Since we sat on the end & the movie theater was mostly empty (except for a few other moms with their toddlers) I let her climb around & sit on the stairs beside me. At least she was quiet the entire movie & never made a sound. And she did watch almost all of it in it's entirety. I'm not sure she's ready for regular trips to the theater yet, but at least we can try whenever a new animated film comes out. Who knows, I may even be brave enough to take Sadie to the movies while her baby sister sleeps in her stroller. Check back in a month or two & I'll let you know how that goes.....

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